About SkyMed

Our Mission & Values

SkyMed Essentials is utilizing the services of licensed
Part 135 air carriers to meet your air ambulance transportation needs. SkyMed International, Inc. does not own, lease or operate any aircraft and has no affiliation with any direct air carrier. As an IAC, SkyMed contracts for the provision of air transportation services in its own name and coordinates the provision of medical services for your flight. Licensed direct air carriers operate all flights.

SkyMed Essentials is utilizing the services of licensed Part 135 air carriers to meet your air ambulance transportation needs. Read more

Family & Group
Travel Membership

SkyMed Essentials provides all eligible occupants of a hotel, resort room or cruise cabin with the leading international patient choice hospital to hospital medical evacuation service in the world. Eligible occupants are defined as the registered guests for the room including spouse or companion; grandparents, children under age 18. Children include natural children, stepchildren, legally adopted children, and grandchildren. Except for grandchildren, all children must be primarily dependent on the registered guest for support and maintenance and must live in a parent-child relationship with the guest or companion. Family coverage includes all legal dependents of the registered guests.

SkyMed Essentials provides all eligible occupants of a hotel, resort room or cruise cabin with the leading international patient choice hospital to hospital medical evacuation service in the world. Read more


If you’re hospitalized or injured while traveling, SkyMed Essentials will arrange and facilitate medical transport to get you back home safely. Our expert team will handle every detail, from coordinating with local healthcare providers to ensuring a seamless transition to your home country, so you can focus on your recovery and return to the comfort of your own home.

SkyMed Group

SkyMed International. INC.

The flagship of the SkyMed Group of Companies, has been serving the traveling public since 1989. A membership company specializing in 18 emergency travel services, we have organized air evacuations all over the world under almost every kind of circumstance. If a member sustains a critical illness or injury while traveling in the service area, they will be repatriated back to their home hospital of choice.

The flagship of the SkyMed Group of Companies, has been serving the traveling public since 1989. Read more

SkyMed Florida

Licensed in 1996 and regulated by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation,


Licensed in 1998 and regulated by the USVI Office of Banking and Insurance


Owned by SkyMed International, Inc. and provides worldwide evacuation


A Visa Payment Gateway Solution

Since 1989

Trusted Supplier


ARC Full-Service
Travel Agency


Customer Service

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